15 May 2008

Fashion (no) Fear

Was thinking about fashion stumbling blocks today. Why do we let so many people or how about a few labels tell us what to wear and how? ... Yeah we need an outline or a skeleton if you will, but should we let someone who may have a name but doesn't know shit about "real" fashion tell us what to wear? HELL NO!!! In fact, some of the best lables do nothing but recycle anyway ... we need more I say. Lets lay a classic foundation, build a blended house and pepper it with the right kind of trend!

Don't be afraid to try a little something different. Mix a pattern slightly, contrast colors slightly and play with texture slightly. See how it feels on YOU! Have no fear in fashion ... remember it's the ones who are different that get noticed, especially what it looks like you're NOT trying. Being you is good enough, yeah take notes, use guidelines, everyone needs that. But don't let it dictate the outcome, let it be an element not the reason or the cause.

Live and be True Menfese ... (true pure spirit)

True Menfese (pr.Menfess)


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