13 May 2008

Feeling Fashion

I saw this quote and couldn't help but post it ..."When you tend to your surface, you are making a statement of faith. You are saying, I matter. You are saying, The world is worth dressing for. You are engaging in the best kind of optimism, an optimism that propels you out of bed in the morning, that directs you to the day. When you put on nice clothes, you are putting on hope; you are saying, Here I am. This is fun. Look at me." -- Lauren Slater

This quote inspired me to start a blog about fashion. Seeing that this is a part of my business, I thought that it would be nice to give a my thoughts on fashion from a emotional and spiritual perspective.

No matter what gender/sex you are fashion is a key indicator to how you are feeling about "you". Don't get me wrong ... it's not an indicator of who you "are" just how you're feeling. We all know that a hot outfit/ensemble, with some color, clean lines, flattering shape, great pattern and texture can change your attitude, walk, swagger, strut, posture, and engery.

So today if you're feeling a little out of sorts and not so put together, put on a outfit that looks effortless, but hot, put it on, do your hair, makeup, shave and dress how you want to feel.

Live True Menfese ... (true pure spirit)

True Menfese (pr.Menfess)

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